Sunday, February 1, 2009


HOLA! I just got back on the SHip from Spain... A few girls and I flew from Cadiz to Barcelona for a couple of nights stay. The hostel was nice enough, and the flights went smoothly. We probably got about 9 hours of sleep for the 56 hours that we were there, partly due to the INSANE lifestyle of the Spanish people and partly because of this guy that was in our same room in the hostel. After dark, there was a noise that came out of his face that I believed beyond humanly possible , until now of course. MIxture between a dying weasel, gargling sink, and a grizzly bear giving birth....ya, i'd say that's about accurate. BUt after a long weekend in Barcelona that was the biggest of our problems.
Our first meal in Spain was recommended to us by the employee of the hostel. We arrived outside to find that the restaurants' power had been cut off, so if we wanted to eat there we had to eat in the dark. Not to mention there was all different kinds of animal parts hanging in the front window of the restaurant which was called "EL POLLO rICO". We were willing to take a chance, and we're also on a tight budget so we decided to give it a go. We walked in and it was set up like a diner a little bit, but without any tables, there was only a bar counter with stools. The floor was covered in dirty napkins and food, pretty gross, but something told us to stay and eat, I cant explain what. As you sit there you get to watch the chefs make your food. It turned out to be the BEST food we had the entire time we were there, Paella, Tapas, and Sangria for 4 girls and the check was only like 40 euros! After that our food experiences weren't nearly as pleasant/horrifying. Spanish food... often confused with MExican food, is very bland to say the most. VIVA LA COMIDA DE MEXICO! Self explanitory.
Before we went to Barcelona we spent the day in Cadiz where I was able to see my long lost soccer friend Kirsten, it was really awesome to see her. Talk about a place that I could spend some serious time!!! Beaches, siesta from 3-6, fun bars, hot boys, bull fighting, and good shopping...what more could one ask for?
Anyways, the video that I've posted is my friend Taylor and I late at night taking our siesta and trying unsuccessfully to convert our american lifestyle to live like the Spaniards in 2 short days...comical.

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