Wednesday, February 11, 2009

AraBian NighTS

  Oh Morocco! What to Say... Okay so I'll start with what I didn't know about Morocco. It's an Arab Country and the native languages are French and Arabic, and it has both modern civilization like Casablanca and Merrakech, but the countryside is filled with Berber Villages with people that still don't have running water. Pretty Crazy. 
   Our ship docked in Casablanca, and then some friends and I went to Merrakech, it's like 3 hours by train. On the last day I came back to Casablanca and toured the city.
   Well first, It doesn't really feel like AFrICA, but it's like NOTHING I've ever Experienced Before! Merrakech really looks like Aladdin(even though Aladdin was in Agra) Most of the buildings are Brand new...we stayed in a 5 star hotel for $50 a night!! It was amazing. We went to the Souks, which are outdoor markets, similar to China town in NY, except for the shops are set up in tents instead of buildings. There were snake charmers, acrobats, flame throwers, and Henna gypsies. Outrageous I tell you!!! I was in heaven with all the jewelry and beads. And the Fresh Orange juice was unreal, there's orange trees all over the city, and they serve oranges and fresh orange juice everywhere.
   Before we went home, we rode camels through a Berber Village. It took a little longer than planned, and my roommate had to get back to Casablanca so she ended up catching the train before me. I rode home on the train squished between like 4 men from Morocco. None of them spoke English either, I tried to use a little of my french but I only know so much. So nobody was speaking to me, not to mention I stuck out like a soar thumb because I wasn't wearing a head scarf. Anyways I fell asleep, and woke up with my mouth wide open and drool all over my face and neck. AHHHHHH!!! so imbarassing, I could have died, they were probably staring at me thinking what a rude American Girl I was.
    In Casablanca we toured the second biggest Mosque in the world. It was one of the most beautiful pieces of Architecture I've ever seen in my life. The colors and the different materials were Amazing, and I'm taking a religion and politics in Islam class so I understood a little bit about why certain things were there and what things were used for.
  ANyways, We are now on our way to Namibia where I plan to go on a Safari. Keep you posted!

1 comment:

Liz said...

Sleeping with you mouth wide open, huh? Now I know we are definitely sisters. I can teach you a couple of tricks to prevent such moments...