Sunday, September 28, 2008


On Saturday some friends and I went to visit Eurodisney outside of Paris! I've never even been to Disney Land in the U.S. so it was really exciting! I wanted to live there, I felt like a little kid seriously. We saw mini and mickey-mouse, Jesse from Toy-Story, Jack Sparrow, Jasmine and Aladdin and a bunch more, so cool!!! Oh and all the rides and things were in English thank god because otherwise we would have been a little lost. We ate Mickey shaped cheese burgers at lunch and I had the BEST popcorn I've EVER had!!!(even beats caramel corn mom...better believe it!) My absolute favorite part was the Pirates of the Caribbean Ride, it was soooooooooooooooooo awesome, first you are on a boat. You get to see the pirate village and the caverns while going down waterfalls and through the ocean...SO GREAT! I think that EVERY child has to see Disney, and if they don't than consider them deprived because it's really MAGICAL(i dont have any other words to describe it). I also picked up some souvenirs because I think we are going to try to go back at Halloween and wear our costumes because Halloween isn't big in Europe...Disney is the only place that celebrates! OUTRAGE! So a lot of my friends are from like the UK, Turkey and Greece...etc, and we're going to have a costume party, so they can have their very first Halloween and I dont have to miss my favorite holiday!!(other than christmas because who's all time favorite holiday isn't christmas, honestly?) ANyways, I picked up some monster teeth and mini-mouse ears, I'm keeping my costume options open.
While I'm posting I might as well update ya on school...Super fun, I really like my teachers! and good thing is that we are freer (word?) to do what we want. KNITTING is still my favorite, but the problem is that it gets to be a bit expensive because you'd think that knitting you're own scarf is cheaper than buying but in actuality the yarn costs more than the actual scarf sometimes. Vicious I know, but I'm still making some pretty cool scarfs and things. All together school is much more easy going than NY but I expected that. But as a result I like my work more because I get to spend more time on it.
Let you know when I go on my next adventure...xoxo

Sunday, September 21, 2008


On Saturday we ventured to Versailles, it's only like 20 minutes on the train so we spent our time wisely and practiced knitting for out knitting and knotting class which is my favorite! On the way we needed to use the restroom so we went in the nicest Mcdonalds I've ever seen in my life! It had a bakery and there were people on dates there I swear, check out the picture. We saw the museum in the Palace and the gardens. Gardens were definitely my fav! It was really really beautiful, and we had the most hilarious little french costume designing tour guide! The palace was cool and they had installed Koontz modern art all throughout which was a little strange, but I'm not a fan of modern art so maybe others thought it was brilliant. The them of the installation was balloon animals made of metallic metal. Who knows... Anyways, you can take row boats around the ponds, and the gardens take up a space like the state of Rhode Island so we didn't quite get to catch everything but we saw what we could. We could have rented a golf cart for like 30 euro because everyone knows I have extensive experience driving them after this summer at the Sheraton, but my friend Raeana was pretty certain that a drivers license was needed to get one so we kept our money and put on our walking shoes.haha! It's definitely worth going though, especially cuz we learned so much about louisXIV and Marie Antoinette in costume history. Keep you posted!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


My first futbol game! A couple of friends from St. Johns and I went to a soccer game on Sunday night. It was insane! Never been to anything like it, crazier than any football or baseball game I've ever been to, CRAZIER than WWC98! Everyone was shouting and screaming the entire time, people had flares and drums, so fun! Anyways, I'll definitely be going again while I'm here! Check out the video. oh, and ROB you are living in the wrong country! Bijou Bijou!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

GiVeRnY...Not GivEnChy

Yesterday we went on a Day trip to Giverny. A little village outside of Paris where Monet's lived and painted, it was so cute! After missing the first train in the morning we luckily got the second one and arrived like an hour later. We rode bikes like 5km's to the area where monet's house and gardens were. FINALLY got to ride a bike! But seriously one of the funniest things I've ever seen, 12 Fashion designers trying to ride bikes, HAHA! A couple of girls had never ridden a bike in their entire life so they had to catch a cab. Classic. Anyways, we roamed around all day, had a DElICiouS lunch with wine and headed back to the city. I didn't want to leave! It was far prettier than I thought it would be, and the house and gardens were HUGE! I wish Alycia could've seen it, so our kinda place!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Down Time

Been youtubing lately(Ivan) and i have to say, that I've found some pretty funny videos that I think you should watch... haha!

Whoever made this, CLEVER!

And of course, my FAV. Santino...this one's for you mom

Sunday, September 7, 2008


So we had orientation all is so small! like 150 ppl in the entire thing...there's like 10 people in my class, and we start tomorrow!!! CANT WAIT. Anyways, the food thing is getting a little old...meal times are set, so is Rae and I sleep in past breakfast, or lunch or whatever, we can't eat till 7:30 which means that we have to go buy something to eat. And that's fine as long as we can find something other than bread or cheese(which I'm eating right now)...I just want to go to Creekside!

Oh, and our dorm is so cute, we've done some more decorating, and everyone has moved in and all. really like everyone a lot! We went out with our neighbors last night, they're from Greece and London, we had a really good time...really fun! There's some other cool girls too, some from turkey...who by the way know my friends from RISD! small world. Anyways, there's a lot of people from everywhere, and so far there's no crazy's which is a plus. Except for one of our neighbors who was from San Fran and she was absolutely nuts, she asked us if we were from NY and obviously we said yes, she was telling us how much she hates NY and the people from there, meanwhile she's packing up a camping backpack and drinking a bottle of wine(which we're not supposed to do inside). She left and said she was going to live in the youth hostil. we were like, WHATEVER! haha, she was entertaining at least.
I've started sketching again, and I'm a little rusty because I did nothing over the summer...just bummed around. But I have tons of Ideas!!! I cant wait to start knitting and speaking French! Well, the clock is ticking but I'll let you know how school goes tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

home away from home

We moved into our dorm room finally, after a very unsuccessful search for a short term appartment...sceptical at first, but it's mad nice! They're brand new and clean, and we've even managed to decorate a little with the help of a little place called MADURA! We're living with students from two other schools, which is nice because we get to hang out with people outside of fashion design...and we dont have an R.A. Last night a bunch of us went over and hung out at the park by the eiffel tower, and once again hundreds of people picnicing and drinking wine. So Cute, Alycia would be in heaven! Mwa! Seems to be a trend here. Anyways, our dorm shares a couryard with a catholic church which means the nuns and priests are our neighbors, and we eat together! which also means we cant walk around in our pajamas, bummer!
Orientation started yesterday and our school is so tiny. there's like 100 people in the entire program so the building is pretty small, but I'm excited because there are some super cool classes. I really want to take French and knitting! Shoe design is on my list also but we'll see...Anyways, I think the entire school isn't so hard core, but there's no telling for sure until next monday when school starts. There's probably like 20 kids from parson's NY here, but I only know like 5 of them so it's a nice change. New Friends!!!
We plan on exploring the city for the rest of the week, and weekend...maybe Versailles or something fabulous!!
