Saturday, April 4, 2009


Hong Kong-City exploration for one day, super chic/hip
Beijing-Great Wall, Lesser wild goose pagoda, Tiananmann square, historical city,       UGLY...2 days
Xi'an-Terra Cotta Warrior museum/mosoleum, temple of heaven, museum of stone    tablets. Old city as well, very rich culturally. 2 days
Shanghai- One day, bizarre, highest building in the world, French Market, sight         seeing.

        Okay so my travels in China were non-stop, probably the most exhausting trip I've had so far...The one thing that I can say about China that I think sums it up for those who have never been there is that it is literally EXACTLY like China town in NYC(the only one i've ever been to so Im not sure about others). It was shocking.        Their fake market is unbelievable...i don't think any designer item holds any real value in China because of the amount and quality of the fakes. It was sad. Every single person had a designer bag and Christian Louboutin Heels. Ugh. The men wore Jackets about 3 sizes too big, the shoulders stuck out broad, and the sleeves covered their hands...I'm not quite sure why. The babies walk around with their butts hanging out of their pants because the leave a slit from front to back in the center seam...they apparently dont use diapers. GrOsS, they just go on the streets like animals. Nice.
        Another thing I found interesting was how sensored everything still is there. Our tour guide who took us to Tiananman Square didn't know anything about the Massacre and mass murder that took place because the government has erased it from their history. The internet is highly controlled as well... no YouTube, and Nothing about the negatives of  China's history and current state. Crazy I know.
        The Chinese people were so friendly...both times we went out ALL that we payed for was our cab service, other than that all of the bartenders and owners gave us free food platters and drinks all night. I've never experienced anything like it. They were really curious as to why we were in China, and what we were interested in.
        In the end, I'm not sure if I will return to China any time soon. however if I do, it will definitely be to Hong Kong.

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