Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Jessy goes to Hawaii

Honolulu was fabulous! I really needed a couple of days in the U.S. There was Target, amazing food, clean streets, english speakers! You have no idea how nice that is. lol.
I didn't do much but beach and surf. It was a blast. My friend Tally's mom came so we stayed in a hotel with her and hung out by the pool a bit too. A pina colada never tasted so good. The weather was beautiful, blue sky's both days. We went out one night and met up with some locals who were just hanging in their little surf shack on the beach. It was so much fun. We spent the night singing Bob Marly to the ukulele and being convinced that Hawaii is the coolest place ever! The next day we played volleyball in the morning and went surfing in the afternoon. I could definitely see myself becoming a surf bum...I could've spent all day out there. literally all day.
I guess I think that Hawaii is a cool place to vacation, I dont know if I'd ever be able to live's so far from anything else. One thing I have learned from this trip is that a beach is a beach, a city is a city, and people are people.
The trip is winding down and it's really a strange atmosphere. People are really excited to go home, and at the same time unbelievably sad to leave everyone they've become practically family with. Spending 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with people is pretty intense, I feel like I've known my friends here for my whole life and it's only been 3 months. Some people found boyfriends and girlfriends that live across the country. Other people are just trying to figure out excuses to see each other after the trip is over. A lot of people are staying in Miami the night we get back to the U.S., but it's not going to change that we've all gotten so close and it's going to be a sad day when we have to part ways. I'm lucky my friends go to school in boulder even though we're from different parts of the country. Talk to you after guatemala...

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