Monday, November 10, 2008


This weekend I visited my old soccer bud Haley in Strasbourg...Northern France, Practically Germany. It was super cute, kind of village like and Really COLD! We went on a boat tour on the river that runs through the city, and I also got to experience being in my first lock! (i think that's how you spell it) Anyways, it was really beautiful and nice to see haley and hang out with her not so artsy friends! We went to a Rosell concert, who knew a well known hip hop artist would ever make an appearance in Strasbourg France! I took the train for the first time since I've been here and it only took about 2 hours, It's so much easier than flying. Anyways, take a look at my pix and see for yourself!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Busy In Paris

My roommate raeana and I got a phone call last Thursday evening asking us if we wanted to go to the ballet at the Opera House...DUH!!!! We went to the ballet which was awesome, but the best part of the whole thing was the building... It was gorgeous! As it was the night before halloween, Raeana and I were appalled that they wouldnt have a masquerade ball for halloween, it was the perfect spot! Anyways, one day if I end up living in Paris as a designer with a little more credibility I'll purpose the idea.
Anyways, the ballet was great, and then friday night we celebrated halloween, but NONE of the French people dressed up! I think it has to do with them hating americans, but everyone else dressed up and had a super fun time... There was no trick-or-treating, but it was fun to see everyone's costumes, they're more about dressing up scary here than anything else. So I was having one hell of a time deciding what I wanted to dress up as, and seeing as how there are no Halloween stores ( i miss Ricky's NY!) I had to throw something together myself, I decided to be catwoman because American Apparel has a whole line of Shiney faux patent leather clothes out! I think they say if you have lemons make lemon-aide... well that's what I did, and I had the most awesome costume!!! oh, and it was my friends birthday this weekend so we went out for American Breakfast, OMG!!!! it was the best thing I've eaten since i've been here, and I've also figured out why Parisiens are so skinny... the food is super boring. Yes they have some delicious dishes, but nothing compares to blueberry pancakes and some overly greasy crunchy slabs of bacon!!
I also had a friend from home in town this weekend which was fun because I havent seen any of my really good friends in so long!
School is still crazy!!!! I went to bed at 5 yesterday morning which is probably why im still a little dilerious, I have to make a tailored jacket and pants by Thursday, AHHH! It's finally out of real material though which is really exciting. I'll post the pictures when I find my Cord to upload all my Photos... it couldnt have gone far I live in a cube like 20 square ft.
OH!!!! and before I forget, I've descovered a new show!!!! well, I didnt exactly discover it, my friend Kirsten did, and if you watch it you'll probably stop having any desire to communicate or even think about the outside world and anyone in it because it's so addicting!! Prison Break, the first episode is a little slow but after that it's AMAZING... and it helps a little that the main character is perfection... you'll see what I mean if you watch it.
Anyways, Catch up soon and I'll post my pix asap!!! Oh and I threw some more of my work up that i was unable to upload last time.... i''ll probably do it from time to time so dont be confused