Friday, October 24, 2008

School School School

So I haven't blogged in forever because finally i got swamped with school work!! But it's all good now... TGIF. Anyways, I've decided to put some of my work up so that you can check out what I've been up to all this time! I just have a few sketches and assignments. Right now we're making jackets out of REAL FABRIC finally, it's our first time in school not making something out of muslin. We usually dont get all the way to the fabric stage... bad news is that I've been spending all my money on supplies because Parson's-Paris doesn't supply anything. So as soon as I finish the jacket I'll let ya know! Today I turned in the three japanese figures for concepts, it was a drawing contest, we had to use deconstructed jeans and tee shirts to make a 3 piece collection, I used Rivets for the dress and the accessories!!!

Well I figured I'd let everyone know what was going on, I'd ramble on some more, but it's time for Greys Anatomy!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Barcelona in October

I have still yet to sleep in the last 36 hours, but I wanted to post my Barcelona trip because it's still Fresh!! So... I got home at 11 AM today after leaving Barcelona at 3 AM last night. It ended up being a long trip because Ryan Air(cheap airfare throughout europe) doesn't fly into airports closer than 1 hour outside of each major city. That info would have been helpful before I booked my trip from Paris to Barcelona... Anyways, my friend Lauren who goes to Parsons with me and I went to meet up with Haley (sOccer FaMily meMbeR) and her friends from College who are studying all over the E.U. It was super awesome to finally be able to understand a little bit of what is going on around me because of the language... I'm still mixing everything up though.We stayed at this super cute hostel that had graffiti from floor to ceiling and was jam packed with traveling students from all corners. One thing you should know before visiting Barcelona is that the city is basically a shrine to Antonio Gaudi, he's a famous architect who designed almost half the city. We saw everything that we could possibly fit into two days,

SAGRADA FAMILIA~Church designed by Gaudi that has been under construction for decades, and isn't projected to be complete for at least another 30 years. The view was unbelievable!!!!!
PLACA DE CATALUNYA~Plaza with fountains and statues, it was really cute...tons of people!
LA BARCELONITA~the Beach of course!!!
PARK GUELL~ Park designed by Gaudi, seriously amazing...lots of mosaic, I felt like I was in Candyland with the nutty buildings
GAUDI MUSEUM~ Appartment building designed by Gaudi. ( If you saw Vicky Christina Barcelona, it shows up in the film)

AND lots of other cool fun places, we walked everywhere...

I was really bummed to leave, it's much more charming than Paris and New York, and what more could you ask for a city on the beach!!?? I'll definitely be returning to B-town sometime in my's a def. must see so mark it on your list!

It was cool to see Haley because it's always nice to see someone from home, comforting I guess. There were a bunch of girls from her sorority there as well though... REMIND ME NEVER TO JOIN ONE OF THOSE! it's like middle school intensified by like 30 but with more plastic and longer nails. KARMA...that's all I am going to say. Sorry Haley, you know I love ya. Anyways, we went out and had a blast for the weekend...I hope we can do it again sometime while I'm here!

Anyways i'll shut my big mouth now and finally get some sleep!!! ADIOS

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Fashion Week!

This past week was fashion week in Paris and my school gave us tickets to a few shows! It was so so so cool because I have never been able to go in NYC because it's a lot more difficult to get into...actually it's possible to not know that it is fashion week in Paris, a bit different than in NY! Paris fashion week is in parking garages among many other random places, and a lot more discrete. The shows that we went to were pretty great though, and I hate to say it but the music was the best part!
Anyways, KYLE got here last wednesday and we've just finally met up yesterday. Definitely in need of a Steamboat Face! We had a good time though... showed him my school, went to Le Bon Marche and had croque madame!! My absolute favorite French dish by the way (other than crepes of course!). Anyways we had a pretty fabulous Saturday.
As most people know, if they know me at all, I have a pretty serious case of the spills... I'm making a white dress for class and Drinking a cup of coffee as usual, and sure enough I spilled the ENTIRE contents of my cup on the white dress! Typical. So I'm going to use today to try and dye my dress a color other than coffee stain brown, catch ya later!
